Bioanalysis of Today and Tomorrow: Current Best Practices and Emerging Technologies Enabling Diverse Therapeutic Conjugate Evaluation

An ISSX Virtual Workshop Event | November 13 and November 20, 2024

Workshop Overview

This workshop is organized through the efforts of the ISSX Bioanalysis in ADME Science Focus Group and is organized by Drs. Matthew Albertolle, Bingming Chen, Joe Cannon, Mei Han, Thomas Kraft, John Tran, Jim Shen, Faye Vazvaei, and Brian Booth.

The scope of this workshop is to provide content for attendees from early career/grad school who want to learn fundamentals (Day 1) to senior career leaders in the field who want to learn about what is the new and emerging technologies (Day 2). Workshop topics can include bioanalytical techniques, including biotransformation (and subsequent bioanalysis) of macromolecules. Each session of the workshop consists of presentations from several expert speakers. In addition, there will be an interactive virtual poster session which will be selected from the pool of abstracts from attendees. 

The workshop registration includes access to all presentation slides and recordings.